Perhaps the term "methodology" encapsulates my Cixousian/life writing study, a methodology
driven study? I know - Cixous’ writing defies notions of “method.” My point –
“get past the wall”
(Cixous, Coming to writing,1991)
How can we defy
and re-defyne methods? Recognizing the ways in which gender, social forces and
patriarchy shape practices of writing, and who can or can’t write. How can
writing and methodology speak/communicate/commune-with life in new ways? I see
Cixous’ writing as midwife-provocateur of such birthings, an invitation to
break free of convention and “etiquette” (à la Sean W.), finding language,
dreams, birth/death, the life of objects and poetic-philosophy - narratives in
the narrative, turning/tuning towards words-in-themselves.
Tracing the educational genealogy of this study is to look at the forces of Coming to writing/ L’avenue à l’ecriture (Cixous 1991/1977) in my
own life. I was a secret teenage poet. Poetry gave me a way into my-self, my
emotions and scenes of life with others. I loved what words could do. I handed
a file of my poems to a university professor in my first year of visual art
studies. A well-known Ottawa poet, he let me into his writing class, with words
of praise and promise for my writing. I entered and promptly dropped the class.
I did not feel able to commit to both writing and visual art. Or I was afraid,
of writing.
Growing up in a
literary (reading) family, I read too, a lot. Mostly female authors, Virginia
Wolfe and Doris Lessing were mainstays of my teenage years. I didn't feel I was 'novelist' material, but I sensed the need to write. Reading gave me worlds and
words and ways into life within and beyond my own. Years later,
after community-based midwifery studies, and the birth of my first daughter, my
entrance to a Master of Arts in Women’s Spirituality in San Francisco gave
writing back to me. Who knew?
Who knew that poet, cultural theorist, and educator Judy Grahn (
would be there, nudging students along in her creative, generous
ways, “did you write that story Nané?” In our classes, writing groups, and pedagogical
immersions through women-centred scholarship, space, and ritual, hearing the
stories of others, telling and re-finding my own stories, I recovered my desire
to write.
Research methodology
was key to this arrival. New feminist research methodologies were about
creatively locating ourselves in our own lives as women. We could use the “I”
word, a subjective voice! VOICE! Feminist qualitative research as “Organic Inquiry”
(Clements, Ettling, Jenett, & Shields, 1998) opened these doors more. Art, writing,
and the sacred could merge within me, in a community of e-mergence. I followed red
threads that I yearned to, through women’s birth stories, midwifery,
eco-feminism. This was the kind of research I had been longing to do through my
years of living the birth-work, and reading women’s stories and healing ways.
How to make research sing and soar, breath life, give life.
Into my PhD, I
found arts-based researchers in education at UBC. Again, artists, writers and poets
arrived, with communities of stories as our calling. Life writing with an arts-based
research team began. And reading Cixous, more and more, things evolved to this
place of reading-writing, in its potent-poetic transformative impact. All that is
possible in reading-writing - its individual and collective sewing.
The cosmic sewing machine (poem for Judy)
In this
classroom, I am made more,
in saying, telling,
writing, following
my own tales/tails,
letting words
come through, the flesh and blood of me,
words spin out into sentences, forming
come through, the flesh and blood of me,
words spin out into sentences, forming
a new body.
These soft
glowing orbs
I can hand to
others, placement of
figurative touch,
head to hand to heart,
this funny
mind-meld, enscribes my sensory
awareness, of
That story I
told Judy, long ago
about the wolves
calling, and she said,
“have you
written that down?”
no – I hadn’t, but
soon did,
now the thought
often arises,
to write things
to stitch stories.
I am a bit more
familiar with
this cosmic
sewing machine,
the one Judy
points to, saying,
“I have to get
back to my sewing”
I look in the
direction of her gaze,
to the sewing
machine on the floor
and I think – that
looks a lot
like a computer.
And so begins another
way of thinking
about sewing,
about writing.
Nané (2015/2009)